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Сайт города Ейска

Цифры и факты

Азовское море является самым мелководным морем в мире. Его максимальная глубина - всего 15 метров.
Справка Новости История Ейчане Отдых Фото
Ейская коса - вид на Ейск сверху Ейский пляж Городской парк им. Горького
Исторические даты
1848 - основан город и порт Ейск;

1855 — во время Крымской войны город пострадал от обстрела англо-французской эскадры;

1911 — открыто железнодорожное сообщение;

1912 — в районе открыт первый бальнеологический курорт;

1932 — открывается военно-морское училище летчиков;

1939 — Ейск становится городом краевого подчинения в составе Краснодарского края и административным центром Ейского района;

1942-1943 — оккупация. Город сильно разрушен.

Testosterone enanthate


Testosterone stands out from the general background of steroids. This “feature” of it is explained by several reasons:

1. Is, as it were, the standard of performance and quality of all other AAS. When they talk about any drug, the story inevitably comes down to a comparison with testosterone – only such a comparison can provide objective information about all the pros and cons of the action of this or that anabolic.

2. Is the most studied steroid. The practice of its use dates back more than half a century.

3. Is the basis for all more or less serious courses. This hormone combines well with almost all known drugs.​

This is how Western sources (“Anabolics 2006” by William Llewellyn) describe:

Testosterone enanthate is an testosterone enanthate 300 mgbased on enanthate ester dissolved in oil, made specifically for slow absorption into the blood from the injection site. The peak of its release into the blood is the first few days, then its level in the blood gradually decreases over the course of two weeks.

It is more convenient for the patient because much less frequent injections are required than when using ester. Androgen index – 100; anabolic index – 100; estrogenic activity – moderately high; progestogenic activity – low.

As mentioned above, testosterone enanthate has been used in medical practice for many decades and is essentially a drug. From medical institutions, it gradually migrated to gyms and began to be used by athletes as a means of improving athletic performance. In bodybuilding, is used to build muscle mass. Lifters and weightlifters use this hormone to improve their strength. Representatives of other sports disciplines inject test into their bodies in order to be stronger and faster.

The decisive advantage of enanthate is that this active chemical substance with a very strong androgenic effect also has an intense anabolic effect, so it is easy for anyone to use it to gain significant strength and weight in the shortest possible time. Rapid and strong weight gain is associated with significant accumulation of water, because… retention of electrolytes and water occurs. A welcome accompanying effect is the incredible increase in strength that goes along with this accumulation of water in the body. Weightlifters and powerlifting athletes, especially from high weight categories, highly value this quality of the drug. For them, testosterone enanthate and Sustanon are the No. 1 steroids, which is reflected in the dosages.

The good thing about the “dough” is that, as mentioned above, it works on anyone, be it a beginner or Mr. Olympia. Enanthate also very strongly stimulates regeneration processes in the body. Therefore, it acts quickly in terms of increasing vitality, increasing energy and accelerating compensation phases. This is the reason that some athletes can train 6 times a week, twice daily, for several hours at a time, and at the same time become more massive and stronger.​


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